Richie Farrow
Wife-Donna, 3 children: Ashley, Jessica, & Adam
Assignments during COVID-19 shut down for all Ag classes:
(Assignment # 1) Planning a Home Garden (2 Days)
Interview a person preferably by phone. The person should be over 50 years of age. Ask them: 1. How has home gardens changed in their lifetime? 2. When they were growing, what type of vegetables did they grow? 3. What did they learn from their experience of gardening? 4. Ask for any additional comments from them. 5. What did YOU learn from the interview?
Write a paper with your answers.
(Assignment # 2) Types of Vegetables grown in gardens (2 Days)
Research and Record the best time to plant the following:
Tomato Potato Okra Field Peas Pepper
Lettuce Collards Corn Green Beans Turnips
Broccoli Beets Squash Sweet Potato Butter Beans
Cucumbers Egg Plant Carrott Raddish English Pea
(Assignment # 3) Growing Tips (2 Days)
Research and find 2 growing tips for each of the vegetables listed in assignment #2.
(Assignment # 4) Fertilization (2 Days)
Research what traditional fertilizers are best for each of the 20 vegetables in assignment #2.
(Assignment # 5) Pests in Home Gardens (2 Days)
Research how to control insects, diseases, and weeds in a home garden. Record at least 5 insects that occur in gardens and a control measure. Record at least 5 diseases that occur in gardens and a control measure. Record at least 5 weeds that occur in gardens and a control measure.
After completing these assignments you can do a garden project for a grade for the rest of the time we are out of school.
Plant at least 3 different vegetables. Welcome to do more.
Take pictures of yourself working on every step.
1. Soil Prep.
2. Planting and fertilizing
3. Hoeing / plowing
4. Any pest control measures
5. Harvesting
(I have free seeds for all who want to complete this project for a 9-weeks grade.)
I will have them available for pick-up 3-24, 3-26, or 3-27 at the greenhouse.
Other options:
If you own cattle, chickens, horses, goats, sheep, or any other kind of Livestock, take 15 pictures of you performing different tasks and explain what you are doing and why under each picture?
You can complete a Lawn Maintenance Project. I need 15 pictures again of you cutting grass, weed eating, pruning, planting flowers, maintaining flower beds, mulching plants, weeding plants, or any other home ground practice. Explain under each picture what you are doing and why?